
The real CSS Reboot should be going off anytime now. But I’m in Rome (this message is coming at you through the magic of Textpatterns publish on date facility) so had to put things up a little prematurely. Oh well. In fairness I know which one I’d prefer to be doing.

I’ll miss the initial rush of running through lots of screen shots and sites, finding new things and generally wanting to redo the design at least for a week anyway. When I’m back I’ll post a list of one’s that caught my eye.

In the meantime a couple of other ongoing bits. I’ll try and sort out lots of photos onto Flickr when I’m back, hopefully including some shots from Rome and a few other series I’ve taken and not got round to. Also after meetups, lots of discussion on and around hopefully a sense of renewed focus and some hapenings around that.

All in all I’m sure I wont be missed, but enjoy the reboot. If you have any personal favourites then leave a comment. If you have opinions about mine then leave those too. Especially if they’re nice.