More to come/statement of intent

More of a statement of intend, for posterity’s sake hopefully. Something I can look back on and think “Oh, yeah, I meant to do that” later in the year. Also so I dont forget, or just decide I couldn’t be bothered. Why this all of a sudden? Well, it’s the start of the new year anyway, but in particular the first meetup of people from the Newcastle New Media list got me thinking. And in particular more than thinking, wanting to act on existing thoughts.

So, without further ado, here is a brief list of thinks I’m going to do this year – fingers crossed, in no partricular order and missing several things that no one reading this will care about:

I may have forgetten a couple of things, I’ll add them as I see fit. Anyone else got a list that they would like to share? Either on here or post a link to your own site.